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Download your beneficiary or Evidence of Insurability (EOI) forms

You may be required to complete beneficiary or Evidence of Insurability (EOI) forms after you enroll in your benefits plan.

Not sure how to find your forms? You’ll either:

  • Receive an email with instructions on completing the form

  • Receive a copy of the form in the “Documents & Forms” section of your League account


Continue reading to learn how to download beneficiary or EOI forms from your League account. View instructions for:

On Mobile:

  1. Tap the profile icon.


  1. Tap the ellipsis (three dots) icon.


  1. Tap "Documents & Forms".

Menu screen on the League mobile app with the Documents and Forms button highlighted

  1. Tap “Forms”.

Forms button highlighted in the documents and forms screen in the League app

Any forms you must complete are listed under the “Forms” tab. Tap on the form to download it to your mobile device. 

Forms available highlighted on the League app Forms tab

Once you complete a beneficiary form: Follow these steps to upload it to your League account.

Once you complete an EOI form: Depending on your insurance carrier, you either need to mail the form directly to your insurance carrier or upload the form to your insurance carrier’s portal. Follow the steps outlined in the EOI email you received from League.

On Web:

  1. Sign in to your League account.

  1. Click the menu in the top right-hand corner.

  1. Select “Documents & Forms”.

Menu screen on the League website with the profile and Documents and Forms button highlighted

  1. Select the “Forms” tab.

Forms tab highlighted on the League website documents and forms screen

Any forms you must complete are listed under the “Forms” tab. Click “Download Form” to download the form to your computer.

download form button highlighted on the beneficiaries tab

Once you complete a beneficiary form: Follow these steps to upload it to your League account.

Once you complete an EOI form: Depending on your insurance carrier, you either need to mail the form directly to your insurance carrier or upload the form to your insurance carrier’s portal. Follow the steps outlined in the EOI email you received from League.

Where do I find the insurance information needed to complete my form?

Some forms require you to provide your insurance information. This may include your:

  • Carrier ID

  • Plan ID

  • Member ID

You can find all of this information in your League Wallet by selecting any of your benefits.

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