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Understanding the Health Engagement report

Who should read this?

Anyone who uses League’s Digital Success Portal.

The Health Engagement report gives you insight into what Health Programs employees engage with. This data can help you understand what Health Programs employees start, complete, and adhere to the most.


Imagine you want to understand what Health Programs employees are engaging with the most. You notice a low number of employees are enrolled in mental health programs, while a lot of employees submit claims for mental health benefits. You decide to encourage more employees to enroll in mental health programs, to see if this helps decrease mental health claims.

Keep reading to understand:

What data you’ll find

You can find the following data in the Health Engagement report:

Data Point


Unique Users in Active Program

The number of employees currently enrolled in a Health Program.

Unique Users Started Active Program

The number of employees who started a Health Program this quarter.

Unique Users Adhered

The number of employees who completed 50% or more of the activities in a Health Program this quarter.

Unique Users Completed Active Program

The number of employees who completed 100% of activities in a Health Program this quarter.

Total Programs Started, Adhered, and Completed

A table showing the:

  • Campaign Name: A list of the Health Programs employees are enrolled in.

  • Number of Health Campaign Instances: The number of employees enrolled in each program.

  • Number of Campaign Adherences: The number of employees who completed 50% or more of the activities in each program.

  • Number of Campaign Completions: The number of employees who completed 100% of the activities in each program

Unique Users Started 2+ Programs

The number of employees who started more than one Health Program this quarter.

Unique Users Adhered 2+ Programs

The number of employees who completed 50% or more of the activities in more than one Health Program this quarter.

Unique Users Completed 2+ Programs

The number of employees who completed 100% of the activities in more than one Health Program this quarter.

Programs Started, Adhered, and Completed Per User

A table showing the:

  • User ID: The User IDs for employees who started, adhered to or completed Health Programs this quarter.

  • Number of Health Campaign Instances: The number of programs each employee enrolled in this quarter.

  • Number of Campaign Adherences: The number of programs each employee completed at least 50% of the activities for this quarter.

  • Number of Campaign Completions: The number of programs each employee completed 100% of the activities for this quarter.

Tip: Hover over the information icon to learn more about each data point.

Example View

example of health engagement single stat charts

example of health engagement table showing program adherence

example of health engagement single stat charts

example of health engagement table showing engagement per user

Need help understanding the data?

We’re happy to help! Create a Case or schedule a call with a Customer Success Manager (CSM) through the Digital Success Portal.

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