What is a challenge?
A challenge consists of a series of activities that you can participate in with and against other people, or on your own. Challenges help you take small daily actions to build healthier habits, and you can also earn prizes!
Note: This feature isn’t available for everyone; your employer decides whether this feature (and which challenges) are made available to their employees.

With this feature you can:
Join challenges in the program library
See your ongoing challenges in your Health Journey
Compete in a challenge individually (solo challenges) or with others (group challenges)
Create or join a team within a group challenge
See your progress on a leaderboard and in your Health Journey
Earn prizes!
Here are some other things you need to know:
Individual (solo) challenges run all year long and you can join them at any time.
You can only join a group challenge within the signup period. You can find this date at the top of the challenge.
When you select a challenge, you can view the challenge’s prize, details and rules information.
Your employer decides the rules for winning a challenge and earning a prize. We’ll also email you if you win a challenge.