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What is the journey?

Your Health Journey is the heart of your League experience. Tap “Journey” in the League navigation bar to browse activities, add activities to your journey and complete activities. We’ll even suggest activities that match your unique health needs and goals.

Keep reading to learn how to:

Add activities to your Health Journey

Visit the program library to explore Health Programs and start building your journey. 

See instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's mobile app home screen

2. Tap the “Explore” tab.

3. Pick a Health Program from the program library.

Explore tab on the League mobile app with a Health Program highlighted

4. Tap “Add to journey”.

Program details screen with the add to journey button highlighted

Each individual Health Program activity will be added to your journey.You can participate in up to four Health Programs at a time.

On web:

1. Sign in to your League account.

2. Click “Journey”.

3. Click the “Explore” tab.

4. Pick a Health Program from the program library.


5. Click “Add to Journey”.

Program details page on the League website with add to journey button highlighted

Each individual Health Program activity will be added to your journey. You can participate in up to four Health Programs at a time.

View your Health Journey

When you select “Journey” in the League navigation bar, you’ll see a list of the activities that make up your journey. This list includes activities from any Health Programs or Challenges you’re participating in, plus activities we suggest for you.

View all your activities
By default, you’ll see a list of all your activities under the "Activities" tab, organized from highest to lowest priority.


Browse program, Challenge and activity progress
Select the "Progress" tab to browse a list of each program or Challenge you're enrolled in and your progress. Select a program, Challenge or activity from the list to see more details.

League website Journey progress tab

View past activities

Select the “History” tab to browse activities you completed, removed or that expired in the past.


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