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Join a challenge team

While challenges are fun on their own, they’re even more fun when you compete in a team. Don’t want to create your own team? No problem! You can search and join teams that people already created. You can join a team by:


  • You can only join a team within the challenge sign up period. You can find this date at the top of the challenge.

  • You can only join one team at a time. If you want to join a different team, you can leave your current team and choose a new one.

Search for teams

See instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's mobile app home screen

2. Tap the “Progress” tab.

3. Select the challenge you want to join a team for.

Journey screen progress tab with a challenge highlighted on the League app

4. Tap “Join or Create a Team”.

Challenge screen with join or create a team button highlighted

5. Tap “Join a Team”.

Team screen with the join a team button highlighted

6. You’ll see a list of teams, how many people are in each team, and how many spots are available in the team. Select the team you want to join, or search their name.

Search results with a team name highlighted

7. Tap “Join Team”.

Team details screen with join team button highlighted

You’re in the team! You can access your team’s information anytime by navigating to the challenge and tapping your team’s name. You’ll still have an individual ranking on the challenge leaderboard, but you’ll also have a team ranking (the average of each team member’s score).

On web:

1. Click “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's website home screen

2. Click the “Progress” tab.

3. Select the challenge you want to join a team for.

Journey screen on the League website with the progress tab and a challenge highlighted

4. Click “Join or Create a Team”.

Challenge details screen with the join or create a team button highlighted

5. Click “Join a Team”.

Team screen with the join a team button highlighted

6. You’ll see a list of teams, how many people are in each team, and how many spots are available in the team. Select the team you want to join, or search their name.

Search for a team screen with a team result highlighted

7. Click “Join Team”.

Challenge team details screen with the join team button highlighted

You’re in the team! You can access your team’s information anytime by navigating to the challenge and clicking your team’s name. You’ll still have an individual ranking on the challenge leaderboard, but you’ll also have a team ranking (the average of each team member’s score).

If someone shares an invitation link to join a team:

1. Follow the link on mobile or web.

2. Select “Join Team”.

Team details screen with join team button highlighted

You’ll now be added to the team. You can access your team’s information anytime by navigating to the challenge and clicking your team’s name. You’ll still have an individual ranking on the challenge leaderboard, but you’ll also have a team ranking (the average of each team member’s score).

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