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Add dependents to the benefits plan during enrollment and after a Qualifying Life Event (QLE)

Note: This article is for HR Admins. If you're not an HR Admin and want to understand more about adding dependents to your benefits plan or reporting a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), check out this article.

Your employees can manage their eligible dependents directly on the League platform. They can add dependents to their benefits plan during enrollment or after a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).

Understanding eligible dependents

For an employee’s Health, Drug, and Dental benefits, eligible dependents include the employee’s partner or child. Detailed guidelines are available in your group benefits contract and Full Coverage Booklet.

For an employee’s League Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) or Health Spending Account (HSA), you can find a list of eligible dependents here.

Adding dependents during enrollment

The League platform guides members through the step-by-step process of adding dependents.

Adding dependents after QLEs

When an employee experiences a QLE, they have the opportunity to update their eligible dependents on the League platform, even if it’s outside their enrollment period. The League platform guides members through the step-by-step process of adding dependents to their benefits plan after a QLE under the “Dependents” section.

Depending on the type of life event and guidelines provided in the group benefits contract, employees may also be able to make changes to their benefit elections.

All insurance carriers allow employees to update their dependents as a result of QLEs. However, there are slight differences between carriers and contracts when it comes to changing benefit elections. To understand what options are available to them, employees are welcome to chat with our Customer Care team.

Here are some of the most common QLEs:

  • Birth or adoption of a child by the employee

  • Employee's marriage (legal or common-law)

  • Employee's divorce or end of a common-law relationship

  • Death of an employee's partner

  • Death of the employee's only insurable child

  • Employee's partner losing benefits coverage

  • Employee no longer having any children eligible for dependant coverage

Employees have 31 days to report a QLE. If dependents are added to the plan after 31 days of the life event, they will be treated as Late Applicants and late application rules will apply.

Adding special dependents

Additional information may need to be submitted as part of the application process when adding a special dependent. Special dependents include:

  • Overage students

  • Overage disabled dependents

  • Grandchildren

Annual validation may also be required to maintain eligibility for special dependents.

Adding dependents to League Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA) or Health Spending Accounts (HSA)

Employees can choose to add eligible dependents to their League LSA or HSA at any time. Dependents can be added to the League platform under the “Dependents” section.

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