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Understand the Lifemarket Engagement report

Who should read this?

Anyone who uses League’s Digital Success Portal.

The Lifemarket Engagement report gives you insight into how employees are engaging with Lifemarket. This data can help you understand what employees are buying and how much they’re spending in Lifemarket.


Imagine you want to understand what products employees are buying the most in Lifemarket. You check the Top 10 Shops & Purchase Categories by Amount Spent data on the Lifemarket Engagement report and see that a lot of employees are buying Balanced Snack Boxes. You decide to gift each employee a Balanced Snack Box from Lifemarket for the holidays.

Keep reading to understand:

What data you’ll find

You can find the following data in the Lifemarket Engagement report:

Data Point


Unique Users Visited Lifemarket

The number of employees who visited Lifemarket this quarter.

Unique Users Purchased From Lifemarket

The number of employees who placed a Lifemarket order this quarter, including orders that were cancelled or refunded.

Top 10 Shops & Purchase Categories by Claims

A table showing the:

  • Shop Name: The ten Lifemarket shops employees placed the most orders with this quarter.

  • Category Label: The category of each shop on the list.

  • Number of Orders: The number of orders employees placed with each shop on the list.

  • Number of Unique Purchasers: The number of employees who ordered from each shop on the list.

Top 10 Shops & Purchase Categories by Amount Spent

A table showing the:

  • Shop Name: The ten Lifemarket shops employees spent the most money on this quarter.

  • Category Label: The category of each shop on the list.

  • GMV: The dollar amount employees spent at each shop on the list.

Lifemarket Transactions

A table showing the:

  • User ID: The User IDs of employees who placed a Lifemarket order this quarter.

  • Order ID: The Order IDs for each Lifemarket order on the list.

  • Shop Name: The name of each Lifemarket shop employees ordered from.

  • GMV: The dollar amount employees spent at each Lifemarket shop on the list.

  • GMV From: The dollar amount employees paid for with different payment methods, like credit cards, spending accounts or League Credit.

Tip: Hover over the information icon to learn more about each data point.

Example View

example of two lifermarket engagement single stat charts

example of two lifermarket engagement tables showing numbers, text and bars

example of a lifermarket engagement table showing only numbers

Need help understanding the data?

We’re happy to help! Create a Case or schedule a call with a Customer Success Manager (CSM) through the Digital Success Portal.

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