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Leave a Health Program or remove an activity from your journey

If you start a Health Program but it’s not the right fit, or you don’t want to complete a specific activity, don’t worry! You can leave a Health Program early and start a new one, or remove a specific activity. 
You won’t lose any achievements you already earned before leaving a Health Program, but you won’t earn program achievements for any activities you remove from your journey.

Keep reading to learn how to:

Leave a Health Program

See instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap “Journey”. 

Journey button highlighted in League's mobile app home screen

2. Tap the “Progress” tab.

3. Select the the program you want to remove. 


4. Tap “Remove from Journey”.

Program detail screen with remove from journey button highlighted on the League app

5. Select “Remove”.

Remove program from journey confirmation screen

All the Health Program’s activities will now be removed from your journey, and we’ll ask for your feedback on why you’re leaving the program. This feedback helps us curate a better experience for you. You won’t lose any achievements you already earned before leaving the Health Program.

On web:

1. Sign in to your League account.

2. Click “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's website home screen

3. Click the “Progress” tab.

4. Select the program you want to remove.


5. Click “Remove from Journey”.

Program screen with the remove from journey button highlighted

6. Click “Remove”.

remove program confirmation pop-up with the remove button highlighted

All the Health Program’s activities will now be removed from your journey, and we’ll ask for your feedback on why you’re leaving the program. This feedback helps us curate a better experience for you. You won’t lose any achievements you already earned before leaving the Health Program.

Remove an activity

See instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's mobile app home screen

2. Select an activity from the "Activities" tab.


3. Tap “Remove activity”.

Activity screen with the remove activity button highlighted on the League app

4. Tap “Remove”.

Activity screen with the remove activity button highlighted on the League app

You'll now see the activity under the "History" tab in your journey. Keep in mind, you won’t be able to complete the activity to earn any eligible achievements.

On web:

1. Click “Journey”.

Journey button highlighted in League's website home screen

2. Select an activity from the "Activities" tab.

Choose activity page on the League website

3. Click “Remove from journey”.

Activity screen with remove from journey button highlighted

4. Click “Remove”.

Remove activity confirmation pop-up with the remove button highlighted

You'll now see the activity under the “History” tab in your journey. Keep in mind, you won’t be able to complete the activity to earn any eligible achievements.

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