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Change the units of measurement for your metrics

When you open your metrics, they will show units of measurement that match your wearable app or device’s locale.

You can change the Unit of Measurement (UoM) of the most common metrics in your League account, without having to change your app or device’s configurations.

Note: Changing your units will affect how they are displayed in your account.

Change the UoM for your metrics

See instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap the profile icon.


2. Tap the ellipsis icon (three dots).


3. Tap “Change units of measurement”.

Change units of measurement highlight in the more options menu

4. Tap a unit to select and change it to your preferred unit.

Units of measurement of Distance and energy burned highlighted in the units screen

5. iOS only: Tap “Save”.

Save button highlighted in the units screen

On web:

1. Click “About Me”.

About me button highlighted in League's website home screen

2. Click “Change units of measurement”.

Change units of measurement button highlighted in the About Me screen

3. Click a unit to select and change it to your preferred unit.

Units of measurement of Distance and energy burned highlighted in the units of measurement modal

Changes are saved automatically.

Distance and energy burned are changeable. Below you can find the list of all metrics and units for each of them:





Active minutes



Km or miles

Energy burned

Cal or kj

Flights climbed


Mindful minutes


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