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Who qualifies as a dependent under insurance benefits?

Curious about who actually qualifies as a dependent under your insurance products such as Drug, Dental, or Life insurance? For insurance coverage items from carriers such as Sun Life, RBC, Canada Life, Manulife Insurance, etc., often dependents must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Your spouse, common-law partner, child, or child of your spouse or common-law partner

  2. Depend on you for financial support

  3. There may also be age, geographic, or other limitations for dependents. For example, your benefits plan may only cover your children if they’re under a certain age.

Note: If you want to add a common-law partner as a dependent on your insurance plan, your insurance carrier decides what the definition of "common law" is for your policy. You can find your carrier's definition in your Full Coverage Booklet to determine if you meet the requirements.

For full information, please refer to your full coverage booklet  in your Wallet for your group benefits with your insurance carrier (such as Sun Life, RBC, Canada Life, Manulife Insurance, etc.).

Learn how to add a dependent to your account.

Please note that more types of dependents are covered for League Spending Accounts. See Who qualifies as a dependent under spending accounts? for an explanation of the different qualifications.

If you are looking to edit a dependent’s information, or remove a dependent, please reach out to our Customer Care team through Chat or email us at

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