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Manage your settings in the Digital Success Portal

There are a few Profile settings specific to the Digital Success Portal.

Note: These settings aren't linked to your League account settings. These settings are specific to the Digital Success Portal and League’s Salesforce.

To edit your Profile settings:

1. Click the “My Profile” tab in the top left-hand corner of the screen.

league's digital success portal header bar with the profile button and my setting option highlighted

2. You can:

  • Change your password: Click "Change Password" under the "Account" section to update the password associated with your Digital Success Portal account.

league's digital success portal account management screen with change password button highlighted

  • Edit your location information: Click the "Language", "Locale", or "Time Zone" dropdowns to edit your information.

league's digital success portal profile location screen

  • Edit your profile visibility: Click the dropdowns to customize who is able to see what on your profile page ("Members" or "Public").

league's digital success portal profile visibility screen

3. Click "Save" to save your changes.

Learn more about the Digital Success Portal

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