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Upload documents

When you enroll with League, you might be asked to complete and add specific forms to your account. To do this, we've created a "Documents & Forms" tab where you can upload your required documents.

View instructions for:

On Mobile:

1. Tap the profile icon.

Profile icon highlighted in League's app home screen

2. Tap the ellipsis (three dots) icon.

ellipsis button highlighted in about me screen

3. Tap “Documents & Forms”.

Menu screen on the League mobile app with the Documents and Forms button highlighted

4. Tap "Upload a Document".

Documents and Forms screen on the League mobile app with the Upload a Document button highlighted

5. Fill out the "Document type", "Document name", and add in any important notes in the "Notes" section.

6. Tap "Next: Photos" to upload your document to your account.

Upload Document screen on the League mobile app
Upload Document screen on the League mobile app

You can review your stored documents at any time and make changes when necessary.

On Web:

1. Click the menu in the top right-hand corner.

2. Once the drop-down menu appears, click "Documents & Forms".

Menu dropdown on the League website with the Documents and Forms button highlighted

3. To upload your document, click on "Upload a Document".

Documents and Forms page of the League website with the Upload a Document button highlighted

4. Fill out the "Document type", "Document name", and add in any important notes in the "Notes" section.

Upload a document screen with document upload details highlighted

5. Next, click "Upload a photo of this document" to upload your document to your account. 

You can review your stored documents at any time and make changes when necessary. 

Documents and Forms screen of the League website with a document highlighted

Need help finding a specific form or template? Please contact our Customer Care team through Chat or email us at

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