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Add, edit, or remove dependents

It’s important to let us know when you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), to ensure you have the right coverage for yourself and your loved ones. Depending on the QLE, you may be eligible to make changes to your dependents and benefit selections.

There are a few different processes for reporting a QLE, and the process you follow is defined by your employer. This article explains the process for adding, editing and removing dependents in your League account and reporting your QLE to our Customer Care team.

Note: If you’re not sure this is the process you should follow to report your QLE, read this article to learn more about each process.

Add, edit or remove dependents and report your QLE

View instructions for:

On mobile:

1. Tap the profile icon.

Profile icon highlighted in League's app home screen

2. Tap the ellipsis (three dots) icon.

ellipsis button highlighted in about me screen

3. Select "Dependents".

Dependents button highlighted in the My Account menu

4. Add, edit, or remove your dependents by:



Tapping “Add a dependent” to add a new dependent.

Manage dependents screen on the League app with add a dependent button highlighted

Tapping an existing dependent’s name to edit their details or remove them.

Manage dependents screen on the League app with a dependent highlighted

5. Email us at and describe the type of QLE you experienced and the date it occurred. A member of our Customer Care team will reply with the next steps for changing your plan selections.

On web:

1. Click the menu in the top right-hand corner.

Journey button highlighted in League's webpage home screen

2. Select "Dependents".

Dependents button highlighted in the Profile menu

3. Add, edit, or remove your dependents by:



Tapping “Add a dependent” to add a new dependent.

manage dependents screen on the League website with add a dependent button highlighted

Tapping an existing dependent’s name to edit their details or remove them.

manage dependents screen on the League website with a dependent highlighted

4. Email us at describe the type of QLE you experienced and the date it occurred. A member of our Customer Care team will reply with the next steps for changing your plan selections.

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