What happens if I connect or disconnect my wearable app or device after I already started a Connected Health Program?
If you want to connect your wearable app or device for the first time after you already started a Connected Health Program
If you decided not to connect your wearable app or device when you enrolled in a connected Health Program (a program with activities you can complete using wearables data), you can’t connect it after the program has already started but you can connect it when you enroll in another connected program.
If you connected your wearable app or device when you enrolled in a connected program but lost your connection, you can reconnect your device under “Apps & Devices”.
If you disconnect your wearable app or device after you already started a Connected Health Program
If you disconnect your wearable app or device or stop sharing the data points a connected program needs to automatically complete activities that use your wearables data, you won’t be able to complete any upcoming activities that use this data. If you reconnect your wearable app or device, you can continue to complete the activities in the program that use your wearables data.